Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Baby Jude

Baby Jude-Vital and Balanced

The other day I took my newborn baby to the chiropractor for an adjustment. It was suggested to go since babies can suffer trauma during birth. I was uneasy about taking her since I wasn’t sure what type of adjustments you could really do on an infant. Plus, I didn’t think my baby suffered a lot of physical trauma during the delivery that needed immediate attention. Regardless, I thought it couldn’t hurt her and decided to go anyway. The day of the visit, Jude was fussy and crying while we were waiting. As soon as we entered the doctor’s room, she became fussier until the doctor proceeded to work on her. Instantly, after a few stretches she became quiet. In fact she fell into a deep sleep. The doctor did a few more subtle stretches and hit certain trigger points that apparently stimulated her. Jude awoke from the stimulation, but the doctor gently grabbed her hand and applied pressure to the tip of her index finger. The application of that particular trigger point caused her to immediately drift back into a deep sleep.

That whole day and the days thereafter, Jude was calm and slept better than any newborn I have read or talked with others about. It was such an amazing experience to me. Jude had no obvious problems with her body, but after her treatment, she achieved an even higher level of balance within. I saw this baby as a totally open being. A body that received the healing energy of this doctor’s treatment wholly without any preconceived thought as to how she should feel afterwards. Here was a fresh being with no agendas or blocks to her happiness and harmony.

As we grow, life experiences and societal norms program us and interfere with our body’s ability to accept help and even love for that matter. But as a baby, Jude appeared open to receiving this doctor’s therapy which helped to create further balance and health within her. I have intimately witnessed someone who is completely open to the world around her. Someone who is aware of everything as it appears in each moment. A person who is truly living life in the present moment. Jude is so vital, balanced and 100% genuine in every way. To go from crying to smiling in the same minute is amazing. As a need arises, she responds to it. She responds to any stimulus and then lets it go, holding on to nothing.

If our internal needs are not met, an imbalance can start early even in infancy. The learning process starts in utero and continues on through birth. A baby tells it like it is and the honesty is just so refreshing. It is a lesson to be honest with ourselves, to be who we really are at each given moment. As soon as Jude’s needs are met, she achieves balance becoming calm and content.

It is possible to translate this into our adult lives. How many times have you done what you needed to do and not what someone else wanted you to do? Doesn’t it feel good to do what is right for us? To make decisions that is in accordance to our true self. Our true self being that inner voice that tells us what we should and shouldn’t be doing. When we listen to that voice, we can find answers to all of our questions. We can find our balance if we just act on the feelings we have at each given moment and not suppress them. Suppressing our thoughts and feelings leads us to a state of imbalance, where we eventually blow up when we reach a saturation point. If we don’t speak up, ultimately this imbalance manifests into dis-ease. Many health authorities are now claiming that dis-ease is not just the cause of a physical imbalance in our body, but a mental, emotional and spiritual imbalance as well. Being healthy is not just what you eat and do with the physical body. Good health requires taking care of oneself emotionally and mentally, by having our inner needs met at all times.

Would you ever neglect a baby who is crying and needs something? But we neglect ourselves and our needs all the time. I remember reading a book that questioned the inner self that puts us down all day long. Realistically you would never have a friend who tells you that you are no good and not worthy of certain things. But our inner self does this to us all the time. It is time to ditch this negativity that lives within. Bring balance and openness to your world just as baby Jude strives to do with hers. .

Watching a baby is a lesson in giving ourselves permission to love and be loved and to find our voice when things aren’t in accordance to our true self. Let us learn from and become babies again, responding to our inner needs and emotions as they arise to help prevent imbalance and dis-ease. The difference now is that we are the only ones that can soothe and take responsibility for ourselves whereas a baby requires the love and attention of others.

I look so forward to all that I will learn or hopefully unlearn in this lifelong journey of motherhood. As I reflect on the actions of this baby, I question who is the wiser of the two, her or me? Of course there should be no judgment, but for now, I have a lot of observing to do and I thank this little creation from God who will certainly help me just as much as I plan to help her. Namaste Jude

--Janee Kuta-Iliano


Maria Salamon said...


I never knew that there was an opportuity for infants to go to a chiropracter. I thought your story about Jude was fascinating and also ironic b/c I keep meaning to try and find a class or book about how to massage babies and infants to help them achieve an inner balance of their own. I would love to know the name of your chiropracter that Jude went to as well as what age children they see. Thanks.


ALiVE ONE said...

Hey. I take Jude to see Dr. Jordan in Mentor. He is really gentle and my whole family sees him. I took Jude at 6 weeks, but I hear you are able to bring infants in as early as 2 weeks to see if there is any trauma after birth. At that point,he does gentle stretches, feeling to neck and head. I would suggest him to anyone. Let me know if you would like his number.